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Skillstrainer Blogs

My Journey from Rural Odisha to Becoming a Nursery Teacher

Blog By Skills Trainer Participants

Sep 29 2023

I was born in a small village in rural Odisha, India. Growing up, I attended a state school and studied hard, especially history, which fascinated me. After completing my graduation in History, I found myself at a crossroads. I had a degree, but I lacked the skills needed to secure a job in the competitive world beyond my village.

Life was tough. I wasn't unskilled, but I wasn't skilled enough for the job market either. I needed a path forward, a way to make myself more employable.

One day, it hit me like a ray of sunshine - academic studies and a degree were just the beginning. I needed practical skills that could make me job-ready. That's when I decided to focus on nursery teacher training.

However, there was a hurdle I had to overcome. To land a job in a good school, I had to improve my English skills. My spoken English was hesitant, and I needed to change that.

I enrolled in an English program that provided me with the practice I desperately needed. I learned to speak confidently and fluently. Over time, I shed my hesitation like a cocoon, emerging as a more confident communicator.

But it wasn't just about English. The program also taught me valuable interpersonal skills, which would prove to be a game-changer during interviews. I learned how to connect with people, how to express my ideas clearly, and how to present myself with confidence.

With my newfound skills and boosted confidence, I ventured into the world of nursery teaching. My journey from a rural village to becoming a nursery teacher was challenging, but I realized that learning and growth don't stop with a degree. With determination, the right skills, and the courage to step out of my comfort zone, I transformed my life, opening up new horizons and opportunities I never thought possible.

( Post contributed by a learner on Skills Trainer)