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Balancing Love and Life..........Really?

At 22, I found myself in a whirlwind of emotions. Love had swept me off my feet, and every moment with my partner felt like a dream come true. It was a wonderful stage in my life, and nothing else seemed to matter - not studies, not career, not personal growth. I was on cloud nine.

But amidst this euphoria, I began to feel a deep sense of confusion. My older cousins, who had always been my guiding lights, sat me down one day. They shared stories of their own journeys, stories of how they balanced love and ambition, dreams and relationships.

One of my cousins told me about her friend, Priya, who pursued her career passionately alongside a loving relationship. Priya showed me that it's possible to chase your dreams without letting go of the person you love.

Another cousin, Neha, talked about how she and her husband supported each other's aspirations. They shared household responsibilities and took equal part in raising their family while pursuing their individual goals.

These stories resonated with me, and I realized that my cousins were right. Why should women in India, or anywhere else, for that matter, let go of their dreams for the sake of love? Men don't abandon their studies or careers when they fall in love; they find balance.

I understood that achieving emotional balance was the key to finding clarity in my life. It was possible to cherish love while continuing to pursue personal growth. My heart could soar in love, but my dreams and ambitions could thrive alongside it.

I decided to work on achieving this balance in my life. It was a journey filled with self-discovery, learning, and growth. Love was beautiful, but so were my dreams. I wanted to be like Priya and Neha, building a life that embraced both love and ambition, where my heart was full, and my aspirations were soaring.

(Post shared by a learner on Skills Trainer)

30 Sep 2023

My Journey from Rural Odisha to Becoming a Nursery Teacher

I was born in a small village in rural Odisha, India. Growing up, I attended a state school and studied hard, especially history, which fascinated me. After completing my graduation in History, I found myself at a crossroads. I had a degree, but I lacked the skills needed to secure a job in the competitive world beyond my village.

Life was tough. I wasn't unskilled, but I wasn't skilled enough for the job market either. I needed a path forward, a way to make myself more employable.

One day, it hit me like a ray of sunshine - academic studies and a degree were just the beginning. I needed practical skills that could make me job-ready. That's when I decided to focus on nursery teacher training.

However, there was a hurdle I had to overcome. To land a job in a good school, I had to improve my English skills. My spoken English was hesitant, and I needed to change that.

I enrolled in an English program that provided me with the practice I desperately needed. I learned to speak confidently and fluently. Over time, I shed my hesitation like a cocoon, emerging as a more confident communicator.

But it wasn't just about English. The program also taught me valuable interpersonal skills, which would prove to be a game-changer during interviews. I learned how to connect with people, how to express my ideas clearly, and how to present myself with confidence.

With my newfound skills and boosted confidence, I ventured into the world of nursery teaching. My journey from a rural village to becoming a nursery teacher was challenging, but I realized that learning and growth don't stop with a degree. With determination, the right skills, and the courage to step out of my comfort zone, I transformed my life, opening up new horizons and opportunities I never thought possible.

( Post contributed by a learner on Skills Trainer)

Blog By Skills Trainer Participants

29 Sep 2023

Rediscovering Fun in My Late Thirties: A Housewife's Journey

Life in my late thirties, as a housewife in a tier 2 town in India, has its routine moments. But I've discovered that it's never too late to infuse some fun into my days.

Morning Routines Turned Adventure: Each morning, I used to wake up to the same old routine - cooking, cleaning, and managing the household. But one day, I decided to change things up. Instead of hurriedly making breakfast, I put on some music. As I danced around the kitchen, flipping dosas and stirring chai, I realized that even the simplest tasks could be fun with the right attitude.

Unleashing My Inner Artist: I've always loved art, but life's responsibilities often took center stage. One afternoon, I dug out my old sketchbook and colored pencils. The joy of creating something beautiful, even if it was just a simple drawing, reminded me that fun could be found in rediscovering forgotten passions.

Exploring New Hobbies: To add more excitement to my routine, I decided to try something entirely new. Yoga and meditation classes became my weekly escape. The feeling of stretching my body and mind in new ways gave me a fresh perspective on life.

Connectivity and Virtual Adventures: Living in a tier 2 town doesn't mean I can't explore the world. With the internet, I embarked on virtual adventures. I joined online book clubs, attended webinars on topics I'm passionate about, and even took virtual tours of museums worldwide.

Quality Time with Loved Ones: I realized that fun doesn't have to be a solo endeavor. Spending quality time with my family, playing board games, or simply going for evening walks, brought us closer together and added a touch of joy to our lives.

Life as a housewife in my late thirties doesn't have to be mundane. I've learned that fun can be found in the everyday, in rediscovering passions, trying new things, and cherishing the moments with loved ones. It's never too late to infuse life with a little excitement and rediscover the joy of living.

(Post shared by a participant in the Life Skills Program)

27 Sep 2023

Finding My Purpose: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Hey there! I want to share a bit about my personal journey in discovering my purpose in life. It wasn't always easy, and for the longest time, I felt like I was stumbling in the dark, trying to figure out who I truly was.

I grew up in a family with strong values and beliefs. While these values were important, they sometimes overshadowed my own identity. I found myself conforming to their expectations and beliefs without fully understanding what I wanted.

It was during this phase of my life that I realized I needed something more. I yearned for a purpose that extended beyond my immediate self-interest. I wanted to make a positive impact on the world, to leave a mark that wasn't just about accumulating wealth or personal success.

One of the turning points for me was when I started working with underprivileged children. Their smiles, their resilience in the face of adversity, and their boundless potential opened my eyes. It was in those moments of teaching and learning from them that I began to sense my purpose taking shape. I wanted to be a source of support and inspiration for these young souls, to help them build better lives.

The values of love and respect became my guiding principles. I realized that success, as defined by society, was not my ultimate goal. Instead, I remembered a saying by The Mother of the Pondicherry Ashram: "Success is for your own progress, not for society." These words resonated with me deeply.

My purpose became clear: I wanted to lead a life driven by love, respect, and the desire to uplift those around me, especially those less fortunate. I understood that true success was not measured by material wealth, but by the positive impact I could make on the lives of others.

Today, I am on a path that aligns with my purpose. I still face challenges and moments of doubt, but I hold onto the belief that by living a life guided by love and respect, I am not only making progress for myself but also contributing to the betterment of society. And in that journey, I have found the sense of purpose I had been searching for all along.

This post has been written by one of the trainers on the SkillsTrainer platform.

25 Sep 2023

अंग्रेजी क्यों सीखनी चाहिए

कुछ भी सीखने के फायदे हैं। अंग्रेजी भाषा दुनिया के लगभग हर देश में दूसरी भाषा के रूप में सिखाई जाती है क्योंकि विज्ञान और technology की भाषा तो अंग्रेजी ही है। इन शब्दों पर गौर कीजिए। कंप्यूटर, लैपटॉप, माउस, यूएसबी,मोबाइल, ट्रेन टाइम बुलेट लेन एक्सप्रेस सर्किट बोर्ड मॉनिटर केबल वॉइस रिकॉर्डर, एप। ये शब्द अंग्रेजी से सीधे दूसरी भाषाओं में आ गए हैं और दूसरी भाषाओं में इनके समकक्ष बनाए जाएं तो वह चलन में नहीं आ पाएंगे। एक होती है बोलचाल और स्थानीय संवाद की भाषा और एक होती है विज्ञान की भाषा संवाद के लिए अपनी भाषाएं इस्तेमाल होती रहेंगी उनका स्थान कोई नहीं ले सकता ।अंग्रेजी आधुनिक ज्ञान की भाषा है जैसे प्राचीन समय में संस्कृत, लेटिन, ग्रीक और फारसी को यह दर्जा प्राप्त था। अंग्रेजी सीखने में बहुत फायदा है।

आप अपना डर्ज़ा एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय नागरिक का कर लेते हैं..

चाहे आप दूसरे देश में पढ़ना चाहते हों.. या नौकरी करना चाहते हो.. अंग्रेजी आपकी भाषा होगी।

अगर आप आसान से इंटरनेट पर कुछ लिखना या समझना चाहते हैं तो अंग्रेजी आपकी भाषा होगी..

बहुत सारे लोग तक अपनी बात पछूचन्नी हो तो अंग्रेजी आम भाषा है और अंग्रेजी मज़ेदार हैं.. सीखने में आसान हैं और हमारे चारों तरफ़ हैं.. हम आसान से सीख सकते हैं..

इंग्लिश स्टार कोर्स के फ्री डेमो मैं आएं और सीखें।

इंग्लिश स्टार प्रतिभागी द्वारा साझा किया गया

21 Sep 2023

Finding Peace in Difficult Times

Sometimes I feel that, "Is it really challenging to find peace in difficult times". No, it is not. You only have to invest some quality time with and for yourself. And keep up your positive attitude. Here are some tips to help.

Breathe: Take slow, deep breaths to stay calm.

Talk: Share your feelings with someone you trust.

Do Simple Things: Small tasks can give a sense of accomplishment.

Relax: Take short breaks to clear your mind.

Stay Healthy: Eat, sleep, and move your body regularly.

Stay Positive: Focus on good moments and what's in your control.

Seek Help: If needed, talk to a counselor or therapist.

Remember, finding peace is a personal process, and it may take time. Experiment with these strategies to discover what works best for you.

Shilpi Banerjee

21 Sep 2023

Embracing My Path: Beyond the Pressure to Marry

Hello, I am Anisha, and I'm 29 years old. In my world, where I come from, there's often a lot of pressure on women my age to get married. It's like society expects marriage to be the magic door to the next stage of life, as if it's the only way to start a new chapter.

But I've come to realize that a new phase of life doesn't begin with a wedding ring; it begins with investing in myself. I want to share with you how I've chosen a different path, one that's all about self-discovery and growth.

I dream of traveling the world, learning new skills, excelling at my work, and earning a reputation I truly value. These dreams aren't limited by my gender; they're what I believe every person should have the right to pursue. In my Indian context, I see countless women who've redefined their roles, shattered glass ceilings, and proved that household life isn't the only option.

I want to be true to myself and follow the unique purpose I was born with. While I'm open to meeting someone who shares my aspirations and values, marriage doesn't define me. It's a choice, not an obligation.

In my journey, I've met incredible women who've embraced their individuality, and I'm inspired by their stories. They've shown me that I can be the author of my own life, free from the expectations that society might place on me.

So, my friends, remember that life isn't a one-size-fits-all story. Each of us has a unique path, and I'm determined to find mine, one step at a time, whether I walk it alone or with a like-minded partner. I aspire to be a spirited woman.

Blog Written by Skills Trainer Participant

21 Sep 2023

Finding Beauty in Simplicity: My Journey to a More Authentic Life

Hello, I am Lata, an Indian homemaker, and I want to share something important with you today. You see, in our fast-paced world, we often believe that learning new skills, taking on more tasks, and staying busy will lead us to a beautiful life. But I've learned that sometimes, less is more.

One day, I found myself overwhelmed with chores, endless to-do lists, and the pressure to keep up with everyone around me. I thought I was on the path to a beautiful life, but I was drowning in stress. That's when I realized that constantly doing more doesn't always equal happiness.

I decided to make a change. Instead of piling on more tasks, I started taking breaks. I found joy in simple moments like sipping chai on my balcony, watching the sunrise, or spending quality time with my family. These moments allowed me to rest, pause, and reflect.

I understood that creating a beautiful life isn't about being the busiest person in the room; it's about understanding ourselves better and aligning our actions with our values. For me, that meant nurturing my creativity through painting and spending more time in nature, which had always brought me peace.

Every day, I take a step back from the hustle and bustle to nurture my inner self. It's like tending to a garden. By focusing on what truly matters to me, I've built a more authentic life in tune with my values.

So, my dear friends, remember that life isn't just about doing more. Sometimes, it's about doing less and finding beauty in simplicity. Take a break, pause, and reflect on what truly matters to you. That's the path to a truly beautiful life.

Blog by Garima participant

21 Sep 2023

My Journey to Health

Breaking Up with Unhealthy Eating

Hey, I am Rahul, and I want to share my story with you. For a long time, I had a love affair with junk food. Chips, chocolates, and all sorts of bakery delights were my daily companions. I thought I could eat anything without consequences, but boy, was I wrong!

Maida, sugar, and low-quality oils became my best buddies. samosas, namkeen, mathri-you name it, I devoured it. At first, my taste buds danced with joy, but slowly, my body started sending signals that something wasn't right.

Digestive issues plagued me. I felt sluggish, uncomfortable, and downright unwell. It was time for a change. I decided to consult a doctor and embark on the path of health.

Here are five things I learned not to eat for a healthier life:

Refined Flour (Maida): Maida lacks essential nutrients and fiber, and it can wreak havoc on your digestive system.

Sugar: Excessive sugar intake can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other health problems. Cutting down on sugar was tough but worth it.

Hydrogenated Oils: These unhealthy fats can raise bad cholesterol levels and contribute to heart disease. Opt for healthier cooking oils like olive or coconut oil.

Bakery Items: Many bakery products are loaded with sugar, Maida, and unhealthy fats. They may taste delicious, but they harm your health in the long run.

Processed Packaged Ready-to-Eat Food: These convenience foods are often packed with preservatives, sodium, and artificial additives. They offer little nutrition and can harm your overall well-being.

My journey to health wasn't easy, but it's been incredibly rewarding. I've learned to cherish whole, natural foods that nourish my body. So, if you are on a similar path, remember that making small changes in your diet can lead to a healthier, happier life. Your body will thank you for it!

Shared by Skills Trainer member

19 Sep 2023

My Journey

The journey is worth it

Sunil, 20, DAV College English Star Participant

I want to share my journey with you. I'm a 20-year-old boy who went to a regular school. It was supposed to be an English medium school, and all our exams were in English. But the truth is, we didn't really speak English in school or at home.

I never thought I could speak English fluently. It was okay not to be very good at it. I was managing, getting by. But when I entered college, I realized that English is essential everywhere - in communication, in technology, and for doing well in life.

I knew I had to overcome my fears and anxieties and practice. So, I started. Every day, I practiced speaking, learning new words, phrases, and sentences. I studied grammar, and I even began reading newspapers in English. It was a slow process, bit by bit, but I started feeling more confident.

Now, I'm on my way to completing my graduation next year. I'm studying communication, and I'm determined to do well in life. Learning to speak English well has changed my life in so many ways.

I want to encourage everyone to learn English. It opens doors and improves your chances of success in every aspect of your life. Don't be afraid to practice and learn. It might take time, but the journey is worth it.

16 Sep 2023

English is a Connecting Language in India

A few months ago, I visited Meghalaya which is one of the beautiful northeastern states of India. When I landed there and wanted to communicate with the locals, I realised that most of the locals, understood English. Whether it was a small tea stall owner, a cab driver, or a boatman everybody astonished me with their ability to communicate in English .

I realised that English serves as a connecting language in India due to its linguistic and cultural diversity. India is a multilingual country with hundreds of languages spoken across its regions. While Hindi is the official language of the Indian government, English holds a special status as an associate official language. Here's why English plays a crucial role as a connecting language in India:

Linguistic Diversity: India is home to numerous languages and dialects. Each state in India may have its own official language, and people often speak their regional languages at home. But English acts as a neutral means of communication that bridges the gap between speakers of different native languages.

Education: English is the medium of instruction in many prestigious Indian schools and universities. Proficiency in English is often considered a key factor in accessing quality education and pursuing higher studies, including international opportunities.

Business and Trade: English is the language of business in India. It is used extensively in corporate offices, trade agreements, and multinational companies operating in the country. English is also required for many job positions, especially in the IT and service sectors.

Government and Administration: While Hindi is the official language of the central government, English is also used extensively in government documents, legislation, and official communication.

Media and Entertainment: Many Indian newspapers, magazines, television channels, and websites provide content in English. English movies and music also have a significant presence in the Indian entertainment industry.

Urban Centres: In major Indian cities and urban areas, English is used as a common language for day-to-day communication. It is commonly spoken in offices, schools, and social settings, making it a practical language for urban life.

International Communication: English allows Indians to engage more effectively in international diplomacy, trade, and cultural exchange.

Migration and Mobility: English proficiency is a prerequisite for Indians seeking to work or study abroad.

Learn English with Garima-My Dignity and make yourself a proud contributor to the growth of our country.

Shilpi Banerjee

13 Sep 2023

Be Yourself, Express Yourself, and Have Faith in Yourself.

"I Love You" is a very strong sentiment that describes all feelings. Actions are often more expressive than speech, and can convey messages with utmost sincerity:

Acts of Kindness: Preparing breakfast in bed, doing chores, or leaving sweet notes; these gestures speak volumes of affection.

Quality Time: Spending undivided time together, and engaging in shared interests, reflects a deep emotional connection.

Support in Tough Times: Offering a shoulder to lean on during hardships silently communicates unwavering love and care.

Listening Intently: Paying attention and actively listening demonstrates genuine concern and emotional investment.

Surprise Gestures: Planning surprises, be it a candlelit dinner or a thoughtful gift, reveals love's essence without words.

Physical Affection: Hugs, kisses, and cuddles effortlessly translate emotions that words sometimes struggle to express.

Respect and Understanding: Acknowledging each other's feelings and perspectives showcases a love rooted in respect.

Shared Dreams: Working towards common goals and dreams demonstrates unity and shared commitment.

Apologizing and Forgiving: Making amends and forgiving displays an enduring bond that values harmony.

Empathy and Care: Being considerate of each other's emotions showcases love's ability to empathize.

"I Love You" isn't limited to vocal expressions. Actions amplify their meaning, echoing love's authenticity through thoughtful deeds that deeply touch the heart. Always be yourself, express yourself, and have faith in youeself.

Your Dignity Defines Your Words.

Shilpi Banerjee

12 Sep 2023

English Star -My Icebreaker

Learning English helped me when I started my first job. I tell you; it was super important. I learned English at English Star, and that was a great choice.

Talking with people was easy-peasy after learning English. No more nervousness. I could ask questions and understand what they say. This made my work life happy.

Understanding my job was like magic. Before, I didn't get some things, but now I do! I can read instructions and know what to do. It feels like I got a superpower.

Making reports was no big deal. I write them in English, and my boss loves them. I can explain things well now. It's like a puzzle I can solve.

English Star was amazing. I talk a lot in class, so my speaking got better. The teacher helps me with my words and sounds. My talking is smooth now.

Learning English with English Star? Best thing ever. I talk, understand, and work better. It's like a key that opened my job success door.

Shared By English Star Participants

12 Sep 2023

मैं नए भारत की एक लड़की हूं और मैं चाहती हूं कि हम पश्चिम की नकल न करें, बल्कि सभी संस्कृतियों से अच्छी बातें सीखें। मुझे यहां वह सबसे अच्छा मिलना है जो सभी कौनों से सिख सकती हूं।

मेरी प्रमुख ख्वाहिश है कि मैं अपने माता-पिता को गर्वित कर सकूं और खुद को वो स्थिति प्राप्त कर सकूं जहां मैं स्वतंत्र और सुखमय महसूस करती हूं।

मुझे करियर करने का शौक है, लेकिन मैं चाहती हूं कि मुझे किसी को कुछ सिद्ध करने की प्रमाणित करने की आवश्यकता न हो। मैं हर दिन सीखना और प्रगति करना चाहती हूं।

मेरी आदर्श यह है कि मेरी गरिमा हमेशा ऊंची रहे, और मेरे लिए यह नए भारत में महिलाएं कैसे होनी चाहिए, इसका एक उदाहरण है।

एक उदाहरण के रूप में, मैं देखती हूं कि नई भारत में महिलाएं स्वतंत्रता के साथ करियर बना सकती हैं और अपने परिवारों का साथ देने के लिए सक्षम हो सकती हैं, बिना किसी समाजिक दबाव के। हमारी समाज में इस तरह की नई सोच के साथ ही हम नए भारत का निर्माण कर सकते हैं, जो सभी के लिए समृद्धिपूर्ण और सुखमय हो।

15 Sep 2023

What is a Helicopter Parent

Helicopter parenting refers to a style of parenting where caregivers aka parents or guardians, are highly involved in their child's life. This parenting style often stems from well-intentioned concerns for the child's safety and success but can have some negative consequences.

Key characteristics of helicopter parenting include:

Excessive involvement:
Helicopter parents are deeply involved in their children's daily activities, including schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social lives.

These parents tend to shield their children from potential risks or disappointments. They may intervene to prevent their child from experiencing failure, disappointment, or adversity.

Constant supervision:
Helicopter parents closely monitor their children, sometimes to the point of invading their privacy. This may involve checking their text messages, emails, or online activity.

Decision-making control:
Helicopter parents often make decisions for their children rather than allowing them to make choices and learn from the consequences. This can hinder the development of decision-making skills and independence.

Lack of autonomy:
Children of helicopter parents may struggle to develop independence and self-reliance because their parents have been so involved in their lives.

Anxiety and stress:
While helicopter parents may have good intentions, their constant hovering and overprotective behaviour can lead to increased anxiety and stress for their children. It may also strain the parent-child relationship.

A balanced approach to parenting, which allows children some independence and the opportunity to learn from their own experiences, is considered more beneficial for a child's long-term development.

Guide your children to be successful in their life. Progress is not about being perfect, its about moving forward even with small steps. Click here to know more parenting tips.

Shilpi Banerjee

07 Sep 2023

Creating a Ladies Nice Things Account: Prioritizing Our Growth

Ladies, have you ever noticed how we often put others' needs before our own? We happily spend money on our children's classes, dinners for our husbands, and gifts for our families. But when it comes to ourselves, we hesitate. It's like we're programmed to think that spending on our personal growth is a luxury we can't afford.

But here's the thing: investing in ourselves isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. We need to break this cycle of self-neglect and create a budget, not just for buying things, but for our own development. We need to invest in our dignity, our Garima.

Why Do We Struggle? We find it hard to spend time and money on ourselves because we feel it's selfish. We've been taught to be caregivers and nurturers, and we put others first. But in doing so, we forget about our own dreams and growth.

Empowerment Starts with Us Empowerment means taking control of our lives. It means recognizing that our growth and happiness matter. When we create a "Ladies Nice Things Account," we're saying, "I matter." We're taking steps to empower ourselves.

Time is Precious Time is our most valuable resource. We plan our families' schedules meticulously but leave our own calendars empty. It's time to allocate time for our own pursuits, just as we do for our loved ones.

Budgeting for Self-Improvement Creating a budget for our personal growth isn't about being extravagant. It's about being intentional. We can set aside a specific amount each month for taking a course, learning a new skill, or even pampering ourselves. It's not selfish; it's self-care.

Shine Brightly When we invest in ourselves, we become better mothers, partners, and friends. Our personal growth doesn't just benefit us; it enriches the lives of those around us. We become shining examples of what it means to prioritize self-development.

Purposeful Living Living with purpose means acknowledging that our growth is essential to leading fulfilling lives. By creating a "Ladies Nice Things Account," we're committing ourselves to purposeful living. We're declaring that our dreams and aspirations are vital to our well-being and dignity.

So Ladies, it's time to look inwards and take charge of our personal growth. Let's invest in ourselves, break the cycle of self-neglect, and show the world the incredible power of women who believe in their own growth.

Rachna Bansal

07 Sep 2023

My Journey Towards Holistic Health

Getting fit has been quite a journey for me. You see, being fit is like having a shiny badge of honor nowadays. You can't buy it with money; it's all about dedication and hard work. It means you're disciplined and committed to your own well-being. It's like saying, "I've got this!" And that's cool!

But let me tell you, it wasn't easy. I struggled. At times, I felt like giving up. But I knew that a fit body is not just about looks; it's about feeling good inside and out. It's about being healthy in every way - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

I learned that holistic health means taking care of yourself at every level. It's not just about going to the gym or eating right. It's also about finding balance in your mind, dealing with your feelings, and connecting with your inner self.

So, my friends, let's come forward and build our temple, our body. Let's embrace the journey to fitness, knowing that it's not about being perfect; it's about being the best version of ourselves. It's about saying, "I'm worth it." So, let's get fit, get healthy, and get cool!

Rachna Bansal

06 Sep 2023

Top 10 Tips for Teenage Parenting

Parenting is challenging, whether it's for a new-born, toddler, or teenager. However, I feel teenagers require the most delicate handling. Teenagers undergo significant physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. If you are a parent of a teenager, here are the top 10 tips to help you navigate this stage of parenting.

Maintain Open Communication:
Keep the lines of communication open with your teenager. Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings without being judgemental. Listen to them actively.

Respect Their Independence:
Teenagers or young adults crave independence. Encourage them to make decisions and solve problems on their own. Offer guidance and support when needed, but allow them to learn from their mistakes.

Be a Positive Role Model:
Actions speak louder than words. Model your behaviour on the values you want your teenage children to adopt t. Show them how to handle stress, conflict, and challenges with maturity and patience.

Encourage Healthy Habits:
Promote a healthy lifestyle by encouraging regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep.

Set Clear Boundaries:
Be clear about your expectations and rules. Do not be a
helicopter parent, rather tell them the consequences. However, be willing to negotiate and compromise whenever appropriate. Read and learn these simple skills to navigate expertly through your life.

Provide Emotional Support:
Adolescence can be an emotionally turbulent time. Be there for your teenager when they need emotional support. Encourage them to express their feelings and help them when necessary.

Be Patient:
Stay calm, avoid reacting impulsively, and remember that this phase is temporary. Sit with them and discuss patiently as a buddy.

Teach responsibility:
Introduce pocket money, assign responsibilities, and involve them in family discussions. Let them also participate and share their views. Imbibe a habit of responsible behaviour.

Discuss Relationships:
Have open and honest discussions about relationships. Provide accurate feedback and encourage responsible and mature behaviour.

Stay Informed:
Keep yourself informed about what's happening in your teenager's life. Know their friends, interests, and activities. This will help you better understand their world and connect with them.
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By Shilpi Banerjee

Shilpi Banerjee

06 Sep 2023

Indian Middle-Class Women & Their Un-noticed Loneliness

Painting by Pradip Goswami

I have a beautiful daughter, a very cooperative family, a caring husband, and a wonderful job. I live in a joint family. Everyone says that I have everything for which I should be happy. Of course! I am happy. But in spite of all, there is something that bothers me every day. The loneliness that I am dealing with is draining my passion and motivation.

In the fast-paced world of modern India, the hectic careers and demanding routines have unintentionally given rise to a concerning issue - the loneliness experienced by middle-class women. We as women, traditionally responsible for nurturing the family, often find ourselves isolated as the world around us speeds ahead.

In order to achieve careers and personal ambitions, the role of homemakers is often overlooked. Though we are the spine of our families, many times we grapple with feelings of emptiness. We are so engrossed with the duties towards our families, caring for the family - that the same become the sources of isolation as most women go unnoticed and uncelebrated.

The transformation of our society towards a modern lifestyle has left many Indian middle-class women disconnected from social circles. In this English-speaking world, though we are going out for our jobs and other work, there is an absence of meaningful interactions outside, because many times we feel that language is a barrier. The lack of opportunities to nurture our passions leads to feelings of confinement.

As a potential solution, it's important to acknowledge and address this issue. Families and society must recognize the value of women's contributions, both within and beyond the household. Encouraging women to pursue interests, connect with peers, or even engage in work and studies can reignite a sense of purpose and belonging.

I myself was going through this unnoticed loneliness. In spite of a very bright career that I was pursuing before motherhood, many times, I felt as if I was lagging behind and would not be able to match the pace with the fast-running lives of the modern world. I always fulfilled all my duties towards my family as a caregiver, nurturing mother, and a beautiful wife.

But many times, when I sat with my cup of tea, I used to wonder, am I only a homemaker? What were my aspirations? What were my dreams? I started to rework my personality, to reach my dreams. I started going out and interacting with people. I tried to take time for myself, to groom my inner self.

Meanwhile, I got to know about the course called Garima by SkillsTrainer. This is an intermediate-level Spoken English course that focuses on the holistic development of oneself. I learned a lot from this program which inspired and motivated me to rediscover my own identity, who am I, and what are my aspirations.

As we know communication is the key to a happy life. We can encourage everyone to create an environment where every member's emotional well-being is prioritized. Open discussions about individual aspirations, expectations, and challenges can help bridge gaps and cope with emotional issues like loneliness.

So now I can courageously say, I am not afraid anymore. I am not lonely anymore.

Loneliness needs not be the norm - it's time to ensure that we the tireless homemakers of our society find our own fulfilling identities and connections amidst the demands of family life.

Shared by Garima Participant

02 Sep 2023

Verbs over Nouns! Empowering the Indian Skilling Eco System

Indian Vocational Training & Educational System deals with Occupational Standards, Targets, Certificates, Content, Quality assurance Systems, Infrastructure, Monitoring & Evaluation, assessments and so on. These all are what I term as 'Quantifiable Nouns'. Much of the discussion is about number of trainees trained, funds provided and spent, certificates issued, number of courses tweaked and upgraded etc. In this world of make believe nouns what is overlooked are the mindset of trainees, their aspirations, their frustrations, lack of motivation of instructors, real time difficulties of operating a centre profitably given the meagre resources, non-continuation of trained youth in gainful employment etc. These are real time activities/ actions and 'verbs'. What should really matter are the verbs and not so much the nouns. The mistake is easy to comprehend. Nouns are quantifiable and visible whereas verbs are not easily visible being dynamic in nature. The 'mathamatization' of these visible metrices largely overlook the not so visible yet profoundly significant factors affecting the overall efficacy of TVET. Our TVET suffers from 'equilibrium thinking'. At the end it is all about economics and not about behavioural economics. As someone has so correctly pointed out and I quote ". The reason here is simple. Noun based economics links nouns to other nouns via systems of relation and balance-equations. It is easier to analyze these if they hold still, so to speak, much as it is easier to study the workings of a butterfly if we nail it to a board. And so we purchase understanding by assuming stasis-equilibrium. But the results are at best mixed; all too often the system hangs lifeless, unchanging in time.

Dr. Raj Dravid

18 Oct 2021

Business Sense in Hiring Persons with Disability

As per Census 2011, 2.21 per cent of Indian population constitutes of PwD amounting to 26,810,557. They represent the single largest minority group which can productively contribute to the country's economy. Employers are beginning to recognize the need to tap this vast resource pool. Some companies that started proactively hiring PwD have acknowledged that it had bene ted their business in many ways.

While a few employers are beginning to recognize the abilities of PwD, there are still others who, though willing, continue to have concerns and doubts in their mind, preventing them from hiring a PwD. These concerns vary from; can a person with visual impairment work on computers to can a per- son with mental disability work at all. Such questions mostly arise because of lack of awareness.

Our country has taken the initiative through the recently passed Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 by identifying the disabilities, establishing the rights of persons with disability and giving a guarantee of 4 per cent reservation for PwD, among others, in govt. jobs. India was one of the first twenty countries to ratify the United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD), which clearly lays ground principles of equality of opportunity and accessibility.

In terms of business sense in hiring PwD, there have been many positive observations and responses. According to a research, over 70 per cent of the respondents interviewed across 15 retail organizations revealed that hiring PwD has helped in curbing attrition rates, which resulted into overall organizational performance through benefit of continuity, reduction in costs towards regular talent search and induction training etc. Talking about right attitude at work, PwD make good, dependable and honest employees. Employers of PwD workers consistently report that, as a group, PwD perform at par or better than their non-disabled peers on measures such as productivity, safety, and attendance. A few employers have pronounced that hiring PwD has led to reduction in labour litigation and brought down the man-days loss to nil. Majority of their employers are of the view that their focus and commitment on the task is found to be much higher.

At Lemon Tree Hotels, the company has witnessed higher productivity in the performance of housekeeping attendants with speech & hearing disability. They are able to clean on an average 19 rooms in any given duty cycle, as com- pared to the average number of 16 by others i.e. 20 per cent higher productivity. Similarly, persons with speech & hearing disability are able to work comfortably yielding higher productivity in mills infected with noisy environment.

When PwD employees use their potential, others get motivated to use their potential and do better at their work and hence the bar gets raised. When there is better performance from more people in the company, the bar gets raised, which leads to higher standards being set in the company.

With growing competition and stress in the job market, employees tend to leave companies even for a small pay hike or a small problem. The employees want to feel valued in the company. Hiring PwD in a company makes its environment more diverse and inclusive. It opens doors for learning from each other's experiences and hardships. It is important to overlook the disability of a PwD employee and look at his/ her abilities, merits and how he/ she can be an asset to the company. Diversity or differences between employees benefits companies. PwD employment drives positive word of mouth of the organization, driving higher customer retention.

PwD represent an overlooked multibillion-dollar market segment: at market consists of PwD and their families and friends. In the Indian context, if one looks at the market size of the PwD population, it includes not only the 70 million PwD but their families too, who impact the consumer market in a significant way. Ignoring this market may mean losing not only the PwD consumer but his or her family and friends too. It makes sense to have employees, who know first-hand about the product and service needs of this consumer segment.

e additional cost incurred on hiring PwD is in fact marginal and the long term reward much higher. While at times some cost may be visible in hiring and retaining PwD, however, if one compares that with losing a trained and skilled employee, hiring, and rehiring, training and retraining, the cost in terms of time and financial resources is much higher.

Companies that hire PwD can take advantage of several Government incentives for employers of PwD. e Government of India provides a host of benefits to employers recruiting PwD in the workforce. For e.g. Special Employee State Insurance (ESI) and Employee Provident Fund (EPF) benefits are offered by the Government to employers recruiting PwD in the workforce, a fact few organizations are aware of.

Employing PwD can support organizations in achieving their social responsibility objectives. It helps PwD achieve nancial and personal independence. Today several organizations and industries are embracing PwD in their workforce to fulfill their CSR objectives, as well as increased organizational performance. Shell India has employed hearing and speech impaired persons at their filling stations as Customer Service Associates. ese employees are provided with special boards, where customers can put information on their fuel requirements. Shell's initiative demonstrates, how focus on abilities can help retailers identify roles for PwD.

To sum it up, everything comes back to creating accessibility and embracing acceptability. SCPwD is only trying to provide a gateway for a person with disability to feel dignified and be empowered through meaningful employment, call it an enticing prospect or one's very own valued right. Hiring PwD in distinct companies not only benefits PwD alone but also the company as a whole and there are plenty examples, as mentioned earlier. It's a two way process, benefitting both the ends.

Anup K Srivastava

15 Aug 2021

The need for more than basic skills

I have owned two franchisees of an International Food Chain for the past two years in Delhi. I have been happy as I make good money on my investment. One day, while seeing young boys and girls working at my outlet, I wondered on what kind of employment is being generated in our country for youth. Today there are over 500 outlets of this International Food Franchisee chain employing over 5000 people across India, thus it might seem that it has been a wonderful concept which has bene ted our country.

I have not been able to understand why the government gave permission to these restaurants to enter in our country? What our government, our country and our youth gain from such restaurants? e answer which comes to a simple mind like mine is employability. But then I went on to think that what is the quality of employment being generated in our country? A student who just passed school may want to work with these foreign franchises for approx.. Rs. 7000 per month, and what he will acquire is the skill of sandwich making. After 5 years his level of skill will be the same and another new person will come and replace him for the same salary. us gaining any experience in this nature of work, does not lead to any advantage for such an employee闁炽儲鐛� career or salary.

VIkas Bansal

15 Aug 2021

Motivating the front line workforce

Let me not talk about the Frontline employees here and how they need to be motivated. Let me move a step ahead and talk about a more fundamental point here. How does a frontline employee impact my customer?

I remember what Bob Farrell once said, "Every- thing you do will end up in front of your customers". Let us think about this for a moment. e people I recruit, the policies I make, how well do I train, what equipment I use will and does impact my customer. And my customer decides whether I stay in business or not. Isn't this a big statement to make? But let me assure you it is true.

Anoop Rawat

15 Aug 2021